Rabu, 02 November 2016

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia Arnoldii
      Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest known individual flower in the world. It is parasitic on members of the genus Tetrastigma. It has no roots or leaves and most of the time lives unobserved inside the woody stems and roots of its host. Rafflesia arnoldii only becomes visible when its plump buds emerge through the bark of its host and develop into the large, fleshy flowers which are pollinated by carrion-flies.
 Source: https://gardenofeaden.blogspot.co.id/2013/09/rafflesia-arnoldii.html

          Rafflesia arnoldii life cycle begins when the parasitic growths on the plant's vine root form small buds that resemble cabbage. Because Rafflesia arnoldii lacks leaves, stems, and chlorophyll, it is incapable of photosyntesis. Instead, it drain the plant's nutrients and water. After around 9 months, the bud bursts, revealing an enormous, five-petalled flower. It give off a pungent odor similar to rotting flesh, which attracts insects for pollination. For the pollination to succeed, insects must visit both male and female flowers, which are usually not in close proximity to one another.
 Source: http://treedirectory.blogspot.co.id/2012/01/rafflesia-arnoldii.html
           The fruit has smooth flesh that contains numerous tiny seeds. Once fruit and flower have both reached maturity, which takes 5-7 days, this marks the end of the plant's life cycle. The smell of the fruit's dead flesh attracts indigenous animals. The animals distribute the seeds, continuing the plant's life cycle.
Source: 1. http://www.kew.org/science-conservation/plants-fungi/rafflesia-arnoldii-corpse-flower
               2. http://www.slideshare.net/khalidhakeem/rafflesia-18887605

1. Rafflesia arnoldii is parasitic of the genus...
 a. Cousinia
 b. Quercus
 c. Tetrasigma
 d. Cyperus
 e. Carex
2. Rafflesia arnoldii is mature when it's ... is fully grown
  a. Petal
  b. Fruit
  c. Seed
  d. Fruit and flower
  e. None of the above 
3. How many days can Rafflesia arnoldii survive after it bursts?
  a. 1-3
  b. 2-4
  c. 3-5
  d. 4-6
  e. 5-7
4. Why does Rafflesia arnoldii smells like a dead flesh?
  a. To attract insects and devour it
  b. To attract insects and do pollination
  c. To keep harmful animals away
  d. To keep any animals away
  e. All of the above is correct
5. How long does it take for Rafflesia arnoldii to bursts from a seed?
  a. 9 months
  b. 8 months
  c. 1 year
  d. 30 weeks
  e. 5-7 days

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